What exactly makes a house a home?? That is a question I've been thinking about lately.....we've lived in our current "house" longer than any other in our 26 years of marriage. It's far from perfect...kinda think 70's flash back & you'll fit right in! I think I've thought a lot about it because my parents moved from the house I remember most about a year after I married. Now my parents moved back to to house we lived in before we moved to the country house, but the "country house" is where the most of my memories of growing up are. Lots & lots of memeories!!!! I miss that house even now!! How I wish I could've show my daugther the cool bullentin board my mom made me....or shown my son all the cool places I rode my horses and practiced for events. I know it's just a "place"......but oh, how very many memories those places hold!!
I finally took that plunge and took a quilting class...we learned how to make a quilt as you go pattern. I can't wait to make one!!! I've already started "surfin" to find western material! The quilters challenge for the club this year is ...... your favorite hometown. I am certain I won't participate, (simply because I am such a novice!) but it sure makes me think. This is my town......my hometown....the place some of my very best memories are because this is the town we spent the most years raising our kids. The school our kids graduated from. It tells an awesome story of our little family and we are just one of MaNy! Maybe it's just me...maybe my kids don't hold it the same....maybe it's just a town, but it is my town.....the place the bestest of memories of raising my family is......the place I want to be laid to rest....the place I cherish. It may not be the place I started or the place I end......but it is the place with the bestest of memories and I love this town because of that!
FYI: my grand baby is coming for a visit!!!! I can't wait!!!
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