Life in general here in the "handles" of Texas & Oklahoma........almost empty nest, first time grandparents, first time blogger.

Friday, July 8, 2011 the soapbox and back to the phone lines to try one more time to contact ______ (name withheld to protect identity & possible keep me outta hot water)!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Silly Girl!
Hummm….something doesn’t belong
I got a new camera for Christmas! I have the most awesome daughter in the world that suggests gifts for her dad to get me! It’s not like I “suggest” anything)…..haha
Anyway I’ve been really wanting to not only understand this dang complicated far above my photographic ability gizmo, so I wandered around our little town looking for interesting subjects. On the edge of town there is this set of several pens that always have horses and cattle. Me being an animal lover couldn’t help but wander (ok, technically trespass) into said pens. As I walked down into the pens of cattle I came across this…..he came around the round bale as if to say…..”Yeah, I’m a llama..what of it?”. It’s pretty well know in our little town that unusual animals sometimes appear at these pens. They even had a camel one time, which there is a pretty traumatic story of said camel chomping on the owner, but I won’t go into the details. At any rate, you just never know what you might see in these pens!
I wandered (err trespassed) around snapping shots of horses, loved on several horses (there is one blue-eyed paint that really liked me) and as I was getting into my pickup to leave I noticed a neighbor standing on her front porch talking on the phone….she was probably calling the police or maybe even the owners of these animals. That’s sort of a good thing, neighbors looking out for each other. Life in a small country town is great….we all know everyone, heck most of the time we actually know the names of everyone’s dogs! But, sometimes there are the “nosey” ones (you know the kind) that just know a little too much information! Anyway…..I got away without any incident. Not that the police or owners couldn’t find me because like I said we know everybody!
Gotta love life in a small country town!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Can I just get off this "ride" now??? PLEASE
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Where O Where are we headed???
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Stockin' up!
What happens when we see such a rise in energy costs that it affects the amount of family budget for food? Our electric bill for the month of December was almost $500! Yup, I said almost $500....$483.29 to EXACT! HOLY COW!!!! I almost had a heart attack....I mean COME ON!......our house is over 2,000 sq ft, but REALLY??????? Anyway....hubby & I got to talking about what it would take to survive a whole year without the ability or resources to purchase the basic foods. We are so not there.....but, after today? Well, let's just say we've made a dent in what it will take!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Off to do some junkin' and see what other treasures just have to come live at my house!!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
And another thing.....
Ahh....the memories
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
So....this is where I spent pretty much the entire first day of February. That storm did blow in, while we didn't get much snow (just enough to sorta cover the ground) we did get the COLD and WIND! I now know I do not want to live in Alaska! Wind chills were 25-30 below 0 throughout the day! I did get the day truck driving son stayed safe and made it back home today! The bad part....the cold water to my kitchen sink froze sometime late yesterday (yes, I realize I was home!), I had been using that faucet off and on all day! Sometime though I forgot to let it drip and it froze before I remembered to turn it back on!! Hubby & I both had to work today, so we just had to leave small heaters close to where the pipes are in an attempt to thaw them out. Good news: that truck driving son came in and got the pipes thawed! YAY! Running water again! Highs today a whopping 10! Tomorrow at least it doubles! Looking forward to Friday when it is predicted to get above freezing! And to think just last Saturday the highs were in the mid 70's......out here in the 'handles it's true what they say: "If you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes!".
Monday, January 31, 2011
There's a storm 'a comin'
At any rate it is the talk of the entire country....this storm that is forecast to dump ice and heavy amounts of snow. I think I'll just load up some firewood, build a big fire and read....that is if the storm actually hits! And send up lots of prayers for my truck driving son that is somewhere in the Dakotas.....I'll probably spend most of my time doing that last one! Sure pray he stays safe and alert on the dangerous roads! He'd just tell me not to worry...sorry son, can't do that. It's part of the description of being a matter how old your children are!
So far it's just super cold here....not even a flake of snow or sign of freezing rain. Who knows maybe we'll wake tomorrow to sunny skies!! Which would be okay with me, even if I could get the day would just mean that truck driving son of mine would be able to get home.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
What make a home???
I finally took that plunge and took a quilting class...we learned how to make a quilt as you go pattern. I can't wait to make one!!! I've already started "surfin" to find western material! The quilters challenge for the club this year is ...... your favorite hometown. I am certain I won't participate, (simply because I am such a novice!) but it sure makes me think. This is my hometown....the place some of my very best memories are because this is the town we spent the most years raising our kids. The school our kids graduated from. It tells an awesome story of our little family and we are just one of MaNy! Maybe it's just me...maybe my kids don't hold it the same....maybe it's just a town, but it is my town.....the place the bestest of memories of raising my family is......the place I want to be laid to rest....the place I cherish. It may not be the place I started or the place I end......but it is the place with the bestest of memories and I love this town because of that!
FYI: my grand baby is coming for a visit!!!! I can't wait!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Family Heirlooms
Check out this quilt….it is WAY old. My great-great grandmother made it. It hangs in my hallway and I love it! I will eventually have to give it up though :( because this quilt is handed down to the first daughter in each family to marry and my daughter is married now! I have talked her into letting me keep it until she has the perfect place to hang it! I LOVE QUILTS! I really like quilts that have meaning….not store bought mass produced, but those made by hand!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy "bloggin" ya'll!
Monday, January 3, 2011
As the new year comes rushing in so do all my thoughts of goals for the new year! First and foremost I have to find some self discipline! Top on my list is to spend more time in God's Word, followed by being still and letting God be God in my life. In this crazy-insanely hectic-gotta have it now world, this may be a big accomplishment! I thought when your kids grew up and spread their wings life slowed down! SO NOT TRUE!!! While we may not have some sort of a ballgame or stock show around every corner, my schedule still seems to be full! I am beginning to learn how to say "no", someone once told me that just because it is something good doesn't mean you have to automatically say "yes". Satan has a way of working in all avenues in our lives, even when we believe it is for the good.....he can spread us so thin doing good we soon find ourselves lost in doing instead of following God's will for our lives.
Another goal is to eat healthy and exercise, I haven't been to good with either of these in a long long time . Today was the first day....ate healthy and actually exercised! The same person that told me not to always say yes also told me that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. That doesn't seem like a long time, but just try it and you'll soon realize how long 21 days can be. Day one down, 20 more to go!!
As 2011 takes do I, ready to be amazed at every awesome thing this precious granddaughter does and ready to be the person God wants me to be!! Watch out 2011...HERE I COME!