Life in general here in the "handles" of Texas & Oklahoma........almost empty nest, first time grandparents, first time blogger.

Friday, July 8, 2011
OK....off the soapbox and back to the phone lines to try one more time to contact ______ (name withheld to protect identity & possible keep me outta hot water)!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Silly Girl!
Hummm….something doesn’t belong
I got a new camera for Christmas! I have the most awesome daughter in the world that suggests gifts for her dad to get me! It’s not like I “suggest” anything)…..haha
Anyway I’ve been really wanting to not only understand this dang complicated far above my photographic ability gizmo, so I wandered around our little town looking for interesting subjects. On the edge of town there is this set of several pens that always have horses and cattle. Me being an animal lover couldn’t help but wander (ok, technically trespass) into said pens. As I walked down into the pens of cattle I came across this…..he came around the round bale as if to say…..”Yeah, I’m a llama..what of it?”. It’s pretty well know in our little town that unusual animals sometimes appear at these pens. They even had a camel one time, which there is a pretty traumatic story of said camel chomping on the owner, but I won’t go into the details. At any rate, you just never know what you might see in these pens!
I wandered (err trespassed) around snapping shots of horses, loved on several horses (there is one blue-eyed paint that really liked me) and as I was getting into my pickup to leave I noticed a neighbor standing on her front porch talking on the phone….she was probably calling the police or maybe even the owners of these animals. That’s sort of a good thing, neighbors looking out for each other. Life in a small country town is great….we all know everyone, heck most of the time we actually know the names of everyone’s dogs! But, sometimes there are the “nosey” ones (you know the kind) that just know a little too much information! Anyway…..I got away without any incident. Not that the police or owners couldn’t find me because like I said we know everybody!
Gotta love life in a small country town!!